Committed to sustainability,

responsibility and communities.

Supporting sustainability

Developing wildlife areas

At North East Manchester Academy (NEMA) we supported an environmental scheme to develop and establish a wildlife area, providing many opportunities for teachers and pupils to extend classroom activities. The aim of the programme was to develop and transform a square of asphalt into a richly diverse landscape with trees, ponds, flowers, seats, grass and animals. There are opportunities to carry out research on food chains, food webs and other principles of ecology. Some children may become interested in the conservation aspects of the project, leading to work on endangered species and the effects that humans have on the environment, such as picking wild flowers and using agricultural chemicals.

Delivering electric car charging points throughout the UK

We work with Centrica to deliver super-fast electric vehicle charging stations for Tesla. Located nationwide, the environments where they are installed range from service stations to large scale car parks.

Contributing to charities

Young people in the workplace

We support young people whose journey to work may be challenging due to barriers such as financial circumstances by offering a combination of vehicle sharing and travel allowances. We also inspire young people with a passion for construction through education, practical work experience and employment brokerage. We work in partnership with various organisations to deliver free courses that provide practical work experience as well as careers advice. Most recently we participated in a career evening at Loreto Grammar School. Our partners include The Employer Suite, community groups, local authorities, training providers, educators, Growth Hub, young offender institutions and other industry employers.

Caritas Diocese of Salford

Caritas Diocese of Salford is a social welfare charity that promotes social justice through service, care and advocacy. They support North West children, families and vulnerable adults. We recently provided staff and a vehicle to help support the Lally Toy Appeal to provide personalised Christmas sacks for 1,500 underprivileged children.

Princes’ Trust and Construction Youth Trust

Since 2005, we have worked with both the Princes’ Trust and the Construction Youth Trust to provide pre-employment opportunities to young entrepreneurs, long term unemployed and ex-offenders. Since commencing this initiative we have provided opportunities and guidance in relation to careers within the built environment, signposting over 15 individuals onto further education, employment and apprenticeships. We continue to support these initiatives and we hope to attract a minimum of two members of staff per year.

Caring for our community

Big Bang Project

We supported Loreto Grammar School to enable them to take part in the 2017 Big Bang UK Young Scientists & Engineers Fair. This project rewards students who have achieved excellence in a science, technology, engineering or maths project. This is particularly important to a girls’ school such as Loreto to encourage girls into what are often seen as non-girl subjects and careers. We have pledged £350 towards the cost of the school taking part in the event.

Thriving local businesses

Our close relationship with the Royal Bank of Scotland promotes interaction with other businesses through RBS Connections Events. The purpose of the event is to introduce our clients, friends and business connections to each other, whilst also providing a presentation/workshop for people to learn a little more about one particular aspect of business improvement. As a direct result we have since traded with a new start-up company called Selectequip who developed a revolutionary Hi-vis PPE jacket for our construction sites which we are currently trialling. Also, we became aware of a new product on the market called Visqueen Axion which is a high-performance waterproofing shield.

Responsible businesses that do their bit for the local community

We are committed to maximising the local economic benefit of the construction work we undertake and are extremely enthusiastic about aligning our company with local clients and suppliers. Aside from our framework duties with Centrica – including delivering the Tesla & Nissan Green leaf electric charging points throughout the UK, 70% of our current workload is within the Greater Manchester area.

To learn more about how ACS will benefit your next project, get in touch today.